With our own business, three children aged 18, 9 and 2 our life is crazy, actually the word ‘crazy’ doesn’t even seem to cover it! So anything thing I find that makes life even a little easier is a god sent! I was so excited to receive my Daily Orders board last week, its perfect! With a quick glance I can get an overview of who needs to be where and doing what each day. Now once a week I only need to consulate everyone’s calendars and add all the events to the board, and if anything changes the person it involves is responsible to make any changes and by keeping it in a area of the house that everyone sees each day we have no excuses to not remember what we need to be responsible for each day, plus it looks great too which is always a plus..

Today we would like to introduce to Kelly Mum and operations Manager of Daily Orders who have been busy transforming lives all over Australia we are lucky to have her share her top tips on home to organise your home in less than 5 Min a day.

Is your poor time management affecting your household? Your happiness? Your stress levels? I get it. I really do.
Being a parent is bloody hard work. Managing appointments, drop offs, sporting commitments, and music lessons
just to name a few things. That’s just you and the kids. Don’t even start on the household management.
What if I told you that you could get your house organised in just five minutes a day?
You wouldn’t believe me would you?
Well, it’s true.
Think of all those minutes you stand there staring into space thinking about what you need to do, all those minutes you mindlessly check your device to see what someone else is up to.
Do something for me one day. Add up all the time you spend on your devices. You won’t believe how much it is.
In a few months I’ll be releasing an e-book on how to organise your life in just five minutes a day, but I wanted to give you all a sneak peek into what you’ll get.
On the surface, it’s pretty simple stuff, but when you don’t have time to organise what’s already on your super busy plate, the last thing you want to think about is how to get organised, right?
But you know what? Therein lies the secret. The ONLY way you are going to get organised is to plan, prioritise
and set goals.
I’m not talking about having your shoes spit polished and your benches white glove ready, but about getting things in order, reducing clutter and being able to actually live your life without all that ‘stuff’ getting in the way.
You know the stuff…the snow globes from that overseas trip you took in your twenties **puts hand up**, the kids toys – oh the toys!
All that stuff that you put in that letter holder on the kitchen bench that you’re going to sort through on the weekend.
Yep, I hear you. I’ve been there. So, enough about why we’re here.
Let’s start sorting things out.

So I mentioned that you need to plan, prioritise and set goals. The best way to get started with your plan is by creating a list of all the things that you need to accomplish in a week, and then narrowing your perspective to all the things you need to accomplish in a day.
Having this information in a snapshot view makes it possible to make alterations where necessary.

Having served nearly fifteen years in the Navy, I’ve definitely been exposed to some serious planning. As you would expect, in the Navy we have a very rigid planning process in order to achieve everything that needs to happen on a ship.
Consider the conduct of daily events at sea; with three or sometimes four meals a day for around 200 sailors and Officers, refuelling the ship, conducting weapons firings and helicopter operations, ammunition and stores loading, maintenance, engineering trials and the list goes on. To ensure a smooth flow of operations, the immediate planning cycle is broken down into four documents, namely Daily Orders, the Shortcast, Midcast and Longcast.
Daily Orders as the name suggests, promulgates what is happening that day, the Shortcast is the detailed plan for the coming two weeks, the Midcast is the plan for two weeks to three months, and the Longcast is three months plus.
Without this detailed level of planning, there would be a serious amount of incompatible operations, leaving us unable to achieve the mission.
The same goes for a family home. There are always countless things to do, whether it is the grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, sporting commitments, travel, dinner dates (I wish, right?) and more. With high dependency on mobile technology, you may be tempted to simply download an application that will help you create a plan. While it cannot be disputed that mobile applications have a host of advantages, they do have one glaring disadvantage. They are entirely too private, particularly when you consider that a plan may need to be shared with family members or colleagues within the workplace.
Yes, I know you can synchronise your devices, but how impersonal is it? “Hey honey, did you check my calendar? I put it in there.” No thanks. In these situations, it is better to have a clear reference point, where you’re able to see all the plans, and establish how they fit into the grand scope of things.
My business, Daily Orders, gives you the ability to share your plans with the rest of the family in one central place. How do we do that? Our gloss surfaceblack acrylic weekly planning boards are mounted on your wall, and there youcan put everything you need to achieve in bright liquid chalk markers.
Whatare the benefits? Here are just a few.
Daily Orders planning boards:
Reduce wastage – no need to spend $30 on a calendar each year that you forget about in February.
Reduce clutter – no scrap pieces of paper lying around the kitchen and home to write your notes on. All of your notes and plans are on the wall, out of the way.
Reduce screen time – we spend enough of our day on our devices, it’s about time we put our handwriting skills to work and used them to communicate with our families in a meaningful and valuable way.
Increase productivity – set clearly visible goals that the whole family can get involved in. Using Daily Orders to plan your week will help you feel calm and in control, and most importantly it will give you back the one thing you desperately want – time. Time gained by being organised.
With Daily Orders it is possible to create a simple and clear list of all things that are to be done and by whom.
Setting goals will also help you easily accomplish your tasks in a given time frame when done correctly.
Remember the old saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Goals need to be realistic, manageable and achievable in a timely fashion. If they are large goals, like making the house sparkling from top to tail, break the goals into smaller chunks.
Not planning means that you are reactive and responding to the events of the day as they occur rather than being proactive and clearly defining what needs to be achieved.
Prioritising – Once you have set your goals and defined your list of tasks that need to be achieved, you need to prioritise.
It is no good saying that you need to wash the cars this afternoon when in fact, you really need to do the grocery shopping. No food equals cranky family, and that is no good for anybody!
Prioritising is part of effective planning and it involves de-conflicting your goals to accomplish tasks in order of importance. When you learn to focus on the priorities, it becomes far easier to achieve your goals. Without prioritising, it means that small but very important tasks may be overshadowed by large, time consuming tasks. Put it this way, what do you absolutely positively have to achieve today?
The mistake many people make when they put all the things they want to do in a day on a list is to check off what they can do quickly, leaving the hard and time consuming tasks to deal with later on. What happens when something comes up and you are not able to continue doing what you had planned to achieve? Sometimes, life just gets in the way and at the end of the day, you realise that you have not done anything worthwhile. Not only have you not achieved what you needed to, but along with that can come the associatedemotions; perhaps guilt or frustration. These feelings aren’t good for anybody, so let’s try to combat that with planning, goal setting and prioritisation. Once you’ve done all of that, it’s time to start checking things off your list.
If this sounds like valuable information to you, and you want to be first on the list to discover when our e-book is released, jump on over to https://beadwindow.leadpages.co/howtogetorganisedin5minutesaday/ The best part is, you’ll get the e-book at a super discounted rate of just $1.95 for signing up. Getting organised for way less than the cost of a cup of coffee?
Yes, please.
After you’ve signed up, jump over to http://www.dailyorders.com.auto buy your weekly planning board today.
Piper Sienna readers will also get free shipping when you enter code PIPERSIENNA at checkout.
See you there soon I can’t wait to help you get more time in your life.

Thanks Kelly, make sure you check these out we just live our board and I’m getting so much more achieved by using it.
Got a product you would like reviewed then just drop us a line,
Love Kerry and Piper xx