10 Things Piper Loves



  1. Dropping and Throwing things… food out of the high chair, things in toilets why must they drop food on the floor!
  2. Putting everything in her mouth.. dirt, sand, my face the dogs face!Running away and hiding from me when its time to change her nappy.
  3. My keys (we got her a toy set but she will not be fooled)
  4. My eftpos card, credit card or any plastic shop cards really (she has her own purse full)Remotes, OMG what is the Fascination with these things!!
  5. Grandmas Glasses (Grandma is not so impressed with this one)
  6. Reading books, when she finishes she says ‘all done’ I can read “On the Farm” in my sleep.
  7. Her family she always wants to hang out and be entertained by her big sister and brother.
  8. Makeup loves to watch and help you put on makeup and has to have her own brush.
  • Plus one extra because I couldn’t  leave out SHOES!!! Shoes are her obsession she even sleeps with a pair!


Love Kerry and Miss Piper xoxo

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